Do you want to know how to increase your computer speed without have to upgrade your computer hardware?
Simple things such as turn on computer, open Windows Explorer folder to play game need your computer power to process them. Unfortunately, when a computer has been used for long time, its speed and power become slower. Especially on PC, it's something inevitable. Most people are curious: why is my computer so slow today?
Here, four general reasons why your computer becomes less responsive, and four simple things that you can do to fix the problems. These simple things will save your money and time because you don't have to upgrade your computer.
1. Clean Spyware
Good Spyware cleaner: Ad-Aware
Let's start from the most clear thing: spywareWhen people download free software, visit certain websites and think that all are great and fun. Unfortunately, people don't realize that these activities and the certain websites can infect your computer with spyware without you notice about it. This spyware will dramatically slow down your computer. Not to mention other bad effects such as loss password and personal information.
So, what should we do to stop this? We can start to stop this by knowing about spyware prevention. There are simple things that you can do. Like be more careful when you download free programs. Try to download it from trusted websites. Other essential thing is install spyware removal tool. If you feel hesitate to buy cheap spyware removal, you can try free spyware cleaner such as Ad-Aware.
Run spyware removal tool at least once a week can be really helpful.
2. Preventing computer viruses
Choose the best anti virus solutions, compare the test result
Preventing computer viruses definitely is a necessary thing to do. There are several things that you can do to avoid dangerous computer viruses from attacking your computer. First, you should be careful with what you do online. Don't open suspicious email, don't click suspicious link that offers you free program or free stuffs.
That's just few simple things. We also need anti virus solutions that match our needs. If you are not sure about it, you can read Top ten anti virus in 2010.
3. Repair your windows registry
Good registry cleaner: Wise Registry Cleaner, CCleaner
This is one thing that slows down your computer, but most people don't realize it. Computer registry is a special part, protected part on Bios that keeps information keys to run software that you installed. It can include game, work related software, and even anti-virus. But, your computer registry can be the big reason that makes your computer slows. Especially after you install and uninstall various software.
Every time you install a program, its registry will be renewed and the information keep stay there even when the computer program is uninstalled. This waste the room and slows down your computer.
One simple thing that you can do if you are a novice computer user is by using a registry cleaner program.
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